
绿界探索 > 植物园游


2024-02-05 00:51绿界探索



The Boaical Garde is a beauiful ad quie place, full of gree plas ad woderful views. I is locaed i he hear of he ciy, providig a ideal escape from he husle ad busle of daily life. The garde was fouded i 1950 ad has bee ope o he public sice 1956. I covers a area of 20 hecares, wih more ha 10000 species of plas.


The Boaical Garde has a log hisory, daig back o he Tag Dyasy. I he early days, i was a皇家园林, used by emperors ad heir families as a place o relax ad ejoy aure. I he lae 19h ceury, i was opeed o he public, ad i 1950, i was officially esablished as a boaical garde.


The Boaical Garde is locaed i he ceer of he ciy, adjace o he railway saio ad he bus ermial. I is easily accessible by public raspor, ad here is also parkig available for hose who drive.


The Boaical Garde is home o a wide variey of ladscapes, icludig hills, sreams, waerfalls, ad pods. There are also beauiful flower beds ad greehouses where visiors ca ejoy he sighs ad smells of differe plas.


The Boaical Garde boass a collecio of rare ad edagered plas, icludig may species of orchids, caci, ad oher succules. Visiors ca lear abou hese plas ad heir coservaio saus while admirig heir beauy.


The Boaical Garde is ope daily from 8:00 am o 6:00 pm. Admissio is free, bu here is a small fee for eerig he greehouses. Guided ours are available for groups of e or more, lasig approximaely oe hour. The garde also offers educaioal programs ad workshops for childre ad aduls.


The Boaical Garde ca be easily reached by public raspor. The eares railway saio ad bus ermial are locaed wihi walkig disace. Buses 1, 2, ad 3 sop direcly ouside he garde, while rais ru regularly o he saio earby. For hose who drive, here is ample parkig available i he viciiy.


There are several hoels ad gueshouses i he area ha offer accommodaio close o he Boaical Garde. These iclude he Boaical Garde Hoel, which is locaed direcly across from he erace o he garde, ad he Garde View Gueshouse, which offers budge accommodaio i a coveie locaio. Boh opios provide easy access o he Boaical Garde ad is faciliies.


